The Psychology Behind Wearing Black clothing .
When selecting clothing items to wear, many individuals gravitate toward black.
Often, black is perceived as a sleek and flattering color that not only minimizes the effort involved in selecting outfits, but, also minimizes the perception of the mass of the body.
Interesting enough, black is not a color, as black is devoid of color. White encompasses all colors, although, not considered a color, as well.
Many individuals accumulate a wardrobe full of the color black, yet are drawn to colors other than black. When analyzing why individuals frequently wear black, you will find that psychological factors contribute to this widespread tendency.
Depending on your optimal colors, wearing all black could benefit you or hinder you.
By understanding your optimal colors, you will have the knowledge of how to wear black fashionably and creatively.
Why Do We Wear Black?
Some people believe that black clothing accentuates or slims their figure. Others associate black with seriousness, tenacity or power and wish to convey this message or attitude to people. Additionally, black can appear elegant and sophisticated, however, so can the colors of navy, dark brown and charcoal.
Individuals who are adamant about wearing black may presume that they appear more attractive and authoritative and are influential. In truth, if black is not an optimal color for you, based on your DNA, the color black will drain the life from your skin and make you appear either sickly or invisible. An all black ensemble could lessen your ability to connect with people.
Colors should enhance your appearance and draw others to you.
Reasons why Black Is The Only Color Worth Wearing
It means never worrying about matching.
It camouflages any stains.
It can be layered endlessly.
It flatters every skin tone.
It can make anyone look mature.
It allows you to go wild with accessories.
It works for every season.
It's figure-flattering.
People who wear all black are often highly emotional, slightly neurotic, and have a desire to deflect what they look like in favor of who they are and what they are trying to accomplish in life. People who wear all black often are subconsciously trying to protect themselves from feelings they think they can't control.
Awesome 😊